What is FUE Hair transplant?

FUE – or Follicular Unit Extraction – is the process of replacing lost areas of hair by implanting healthy follicles from elsewhere on the head. We select a donor area of the scalp , usually where hair is abundant. This area is usually taken from the back of the scalp, where a large volume of hair grows naturally. FUE hair transplant is relatively unobtrusive and we perform it under local anaesthetic, so as to reduce complications or the need for long stays. The process is reasonably simple and quick, and undergoing FUE in the vast majority of cases have no complications for patients, most of whom can return to work the following day.

fue hair transplant
FUE – or Follicular Unit Extraction

FUE is a newer technique and unlike other hair transplant procedures, FUE works on an individual hair basis. We extract hair as a whole unit, complete with the necessary glands and then transplant to the new area. Although less invasive, the procedure is very intricate and this can lead to an FUE procedure taking slightly longer than the FUT method. By taking more time, the healing period is reduced and the levels of success are greater. Whilst no procedure is scar free, the scarring of FUE is just small dots which become invisible after a short amount of hair growth.

Using FUE, we expose the follicles to as little in the way of damage as possible, and this gives each transplanted hair the best chance of survival.

ıs fue hair transplant painful?

There is a small amount of pain when injecting the anaesthetic. After the anaesthetic has gone in you shouldn’t feel any pain at all. We use very small needles and have developed techniques to minimise the pain of the injections. If pain does develop we can top up the anaesthetic to reduce this.

will my grafts shed?

There is a normal period of shedding and growth:

  • Up to 6 weeks:  Anywhere between all and none of your hair follicles can shed during this stage (This is normal)
  • Up to 3 months: The new hairs will start to come through the skin
  • Up to 6 months: Enough growth to get an idea of density
  • Up to 12 months: Should have reached full results (can in some cases take slightly longe.
how is the recovery process?

The full results can take up to/over 12 months , but usually, by 9 months the results are evident. The swelling varies from person to person but we give you medication afterwards to try to minimise this. Sometimes the swelling and bruising can descend to around the eyes after a procedure due to gravity. In most cases, patients can return to work within a week. However, bruising may go on in the implantation area up to 3 weeks afterwards.

how much does a fue hairtransplant cost?

The price for a FUE hair transplant can vary depending on a variety of factors. These factors may vary from the extent of your hair loss to the desired density of your FUE hair transplant. To find out exactly how much your FUE hair transplant will cost, contact us today to book a free consultation.

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