What is Botox?

Botox is a neurotoxin obtained from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. Botulinum toxin prevents the release of substances that provide transmission at the nerve end. By this, way blocks the transmission from the nerve to the target organ. Thus, it causes a decrease or complete loss of function in the target organ. In other words, it prevents the target muscle in that area from contracting. Thus, the muscle that makes the skin wrinkled due to its contraction is temporarily deactivated. We use botox in the cosmetic field to reduce forehead and facial wrinkles. Besides, a large number of doctors prefer it to reduce sweating in excessive sweating areas. It is a useful treatment method to remove wrinkles.

Alanya Euromed Medical Aesthetic Clinic’s ‘Hibernation’ Treatment is different in the way it is a preventative approach. The doctor gives the injections , usually to the forehead frown area, which temporarily weakens the frown muscles and thus puts them to sleep for a period of 3 to 6 months. The weakening of the muscles is always temporary and can never be permanent that’s why the treatment is  ‘The Hibernation Treatment’ since the muscle temporarily ‘hibernates’.

The basic aim is to break the habit of frowning and educate the patient in their facial movements so that the patient forgets how to frown. Usually a patient will have several of these injections over a number of years until the frowning habit gets less.

Apart from the habit breaking aim, other positive benefits include:

  • As we  immobilise the muscle temporarily , the forehead is ‘at rest’ and the frown line is not being created or reinforced.

  • Most patients notice that their existing frown lines do soften out because the forehead is completely relaxed.

  • It is a general truth that frowning is an unpleasant habit, which tends to spoil the serenity and beauty of the face. After the treatment, although all the other facial muscleswork normally, the forehead remains still and calm and thus the face appears more serene. Patients have even commented that they feel this calmness within themselves.

  • Facial lines can sometimes be markedly lopsided due to overactive muscles on one side of the face.

Detailed Information

The injection procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes. The practitioner will ask you to frown hard, so that the exact pattern of forehead and frown movement will be clear for each individual patient. The injections are slightly uncomfortable but quite brief. Afterwards, there will be some tiny red marks for approximately one hour where the doctor inserts the micro-bore needle. The injection starts to take effect after 2 to 4 days and you will feel that it is becoming more difficult to frown. After about two weeks the maximum effect will be apparent.

Botulinum toxin has been in use for over 20 years as an acceptional form of treatment for squints and nervous ticks. The substance cannot cause any permanent damage by out of control travel within the body because it cannot migrate. The injection technique makes sure that the substance cannot pass into the bloodstream. The action on the muscle is never permanent thus the patient’s frown is frozen into ‘hibernation’ for several months.b

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