What is FUE haır transplant?

FUE Hair Transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction), is one of the two modern hair transplant techniques. FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration option that demands skill and precision to achieve the best result. These individual follicles are then implanted in the areas that are affected. Typically, with the men suffering from male pattern baldness this will be the classic horseshoe area.

hair transplant alanya

Hair Transplant Procedure

FUE Hair transplant is a minor procedure carried out under local anaesthetic. You will be perfectly awake and can chat to the surgeon during it. The doctor injects local anaesthetic  into the donor area of the scalp (the anaesthetic does sting a little but is quite bearable and goes numb very quickly) and then he extracts the desired number of hairs one by one from it. He harvests them carefully in a spread pattern to minimize the visual decreasing of density in the donor area

Then, the doctor  also anaesthetises the balding area  and makes numerous micro-incisions  using a specially shaped micro-needle. He places the grafts into these incisions.

After the anaesthetic wears off at 3-4 hours the scalp will feel a bit tight and sore but this soon eases and returns to normal in a few hours. Simple paracetamol or co-codamol will help. Minimal swelling is sometimes observed, and is completely normal. The operated areas of the scalp will appear slightly pinker than usual for a few days but this soon passes.

The tiny hair that is transplanted normally falls out within a couple of weeks. This is normal and due to “thermal shock”. The hair will then grow normally from the hair root and will be noticeable by approximately 3 months and carry on growing as fast and as long as your normal hair.

If the Doctor is transplanting into a thinning area, then this can occasionally cause temporary shedding of some existing nearby hair shafts. They then regrow.

How long does it take?

Your doctor can make FUE hair transplant operation in either one long session, or several smaller sessions. It tends to be more time consuming than strip surgery, but does not leave the obvious and typical scars that strip surgery does.

The length of time for an FUE procedure can vary, but it usually depends on how many grafts you need. A smaller procedure, where you need only around 200 grafts , can be completed in a couple of hours. However, a larger procedure of around 2,500 to 3,000 grafts will require a session that stretches over two days.

How long does it take to recover?

Unlike strip surgery, FUE hair transplantation does not require large areas of the scalp to be harvested. There is also no linear incision on the back of the head, nor does it leave a linear scar.

As the doctor removes individual follicles , it only leaves small, puncture scars, which are practically invisible to the naked eye. There is hardly any post-surgical pain and discomfort – with the average recovery time being less than 7 days .Once you have undergone FUE, the results are permanent. While the initial transplanted hair will shed a few weeks after treatment, it will grow back strong and healthy.

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