Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have become the most preferred material in non-surgical aesthetics in recent years. With getting age, the fat  pads on the face  sags and  shrinks , bone structure changes and the moisture content of the skin decreases. With the decrease in the elastic and connective tissue volume of the skin, signs of aging starts. These signs are ejaculation and depression in the cheeks, lines near the nose, sagging of the chin contour, decrease in lip fullness, and grooving under the eyes. You can eliminated all these aging effects by giving a natural appearance with dermal fillers containing “hyaluranic acid“.

dermal fillers for non-surgical solutions

nasolabial filler

Nasolabial groove is the line starts from the wings of the nose and extending to the corners of the mouth. This groove, which is actually a component of our face, both deepens and begins to exhibit the effect of gravity because  our skin loses its moisture. This process develops faster and more aggressively, where our mimics are too active .The deepening nasolabial groove causes an unwanted sullen face and a tired old expression. That’s why intervening before the gutter completely deepens will give much more meaningful results. The most correct thing to do is to maintain the moisture balance of the skin before the grooves form. The effect will show up immediately after the procedure. The full effect is settled within 2 weeks because hyaluranic acid works.  Average retention period is 12-18 months.

jawlıne fıller

Jawline filling is a dermal filling procedure performed along both mandibular bone lines extending from the chin tip to ears. It is the process of making both sides of the face prominent. You will get a more aesthetic appearance with this filling applied to the jaw line and tip of the chin. With this application the jaw line becomes prominent and comes to the fore. In people with weight problems, there is an uncertainty in the jaw. We can eliminate this problem of fat in the jowl area . The chin area has a different appearance in everyone because structural or excessive weight gain with aging causes deformities. People who complain about all these problems can get rid of them with jawline filling. Generally, different jaw structures take your face to other dimensions. The most common problems in the jaw area are;

  • Asymmetryjawline filler makes your face more attractive

  • Unclear jaw line

  • Sagging under the chin

  • Small and back chin

  • Lack of volume

  • Big chin

  • Dimple on the chin

cheek  filler

Cheek filling has become the most trendy aesthetic application of the last period. The prominence of the cheekbone is considered one of the beauty criteria. Prominent and prominent cheekbones have an important function that makes the face look younger, healthier and more tense. The cheekbone, which does not have a protrusion in line with the face, causes the face to look sad, tired, weaker and sunken. Aesthetic problems in the cheekbone may occur as a result of the facial tissues shifting downwards and flattening . Cheekbone filling is one of the filling procedures that we apply with hyaluronic acid and is one of the favourite filling procedures among women. Getting older, the depressions and sagging that may occur in the cheekbones and cheeks will make you unhappy. We easily  eliminate these problems by the filling process, so the face of the person is regained with a proportional and young appearance.

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